Lyre's Non-Alcoholic

Creating a world leading product



With young adults consuming less alcohol in favour of health and wellness an opportunity for non-alcoholic alternatives has emerged.

As a category in it's infancy, we discovered that very few options were available and what's more, these options tasted nothing like the spirits we’ve all come to know and love.


After two years of R&D with food scientists, manufacturing partners and leaders in the beverage industry we eventually landed on 12 non-alcoholic alternatives to some of the most popular spirits in the world that were nearly indistinguishable from the genuine article.


Our brand idea revolved around the well known Australian mimic, the Lyrebird. This marvel of nature is able to recreate nearly any sound it hears with immense precision, just like our drinks.

Lyre's Non-Alcoholic

Lyre's Non-Alcoholic

Creating a world leading product



With young adults consuming less alcohol in favour of health and wellness an opportunity for non-alcoholic alternatives has emerged.

As a category in it's infancy, we discovered that very few options were available and what's more, these options tasted nothing like the spirits we’ve all come to know and love.


After two years of R&D with food scientists, manufacturing partners and leaders in the beverage industry we eventually landed on 12 non-alcoholic alternatives to some of the most popular spirits in the world that were nearly indistinguishable from the genuine article.


Our brand idea revolved around the well known Australian mimic, the Lyrebird. This marvel of nature is able to recreate nearly any sound it hears with immense precision, just like our drinks.

Lyre's Non-Alcoholic

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