
Pepperjack Father's Day campaign.

Promotional Campaign


PepperJack came to us wanting to pla a role in Father’s Day gifting. As one of Australia’s highest selling portfolios of wine we know that they are enjoyed by Dad’s around Australia, but Pepperjack also wanted to create something that added a personal value to the gifting experience.


People often get Father’s Day gifts last minute and arrive at their Father’s Day gathering with no card or pen.


By partnering with Ironlak and supplying a marker with our wine, we turned the Pepperjack bottle into both the gift AND the card. Two birds with one stone. Last minute personalisation. Quick and easy



Pepperjack Father's Day campaign.

Promotional Campaign


PepperJack came to us wanting to pla a role in Father’s Day gifting. As one of Australia’s highest selling portfolios of wine we know that they are enjoyed by Dad’s around Australia, but Pepperjack also wanted to create something that added a personal value to the gifting experience.


People often get Father’s Day gifts last minute and arrive at their Father’s Day gathering with no card or pen.


By partnering with Ironlak and supplying a marker with our wine, we turned the Pepperjack bottle into both the gift AND the card. Two birds with one stone. Last minute personalisation. Quick and easy


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